Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cookies and Cream Cake Pops.

I've been wanting to do cake pops for quite some time now. Since, that last time I make those Lollicakes was months ago. And my hands are itching to bake. So when I found out that my nephew doesn't want his Oreo's  anymore I though of making cookies and cream cupcakes. Yes, cupcakes. Because that's the recipe I found in the internet. So when I found this recipe I was really psyched to do it. I totally forgot that cake pops is what should be doing. 

Ready to whip up some cookie and cream cupcakes. :) 

Half of the cookie, so there's a surprise when you bite into it.  :) 

filling up the cupcake pans. 

After baking those wonderful cupcakes, I need to set them aside because I need to leave the house. So the next day, when I was about to eat one I remember that I want to make cake pops not cupcake. So I remove the cupcake liners of each cupcakes then break in into pieces. That's my favorite part of making a cake pops, and to eat them as well. 

That's how it looks like. I need some melted chocolate so the stick would strongly hold the cake pops in place.  
After attaching some sticks in each cake pops, I put them first in the ref. so it would be firm. Then after an hour I took them out them dip them one by one into melted chocolate then sprinkled some colorful sprinkles and oreo crumbs. 


That's it I'm done. :) My mommy and our helper tells me to sell those cake pops, I guess that's a good source of income. But I guess I'm not ready yet. I hope, someday I can.